One of my favorite personal development speakers is Ed Mylett. He has a great concept that applies to you and your family.
He says that every family struggles and suffers until “The One” shows up.
This person is the one who changes things for the family tree from that day moving forward.
They change things like…
- The emotions in the family
- The thinking of the family
- The health of the family
This is seen in the movie “The Matrix.” Neo is “The One” who shows up and helps the world to get unplugged and defeat the enemy.
How does this apply to you and your fitness journey?
Showing up to your workouts and adopting healthy habits is far more than just burning calories.
It’s being a role model to your kids.
It’s creating discipline that unlocks the next version of you.
It’s confronting tough things that make you better.
It’s creating generational health for your family.
Ed also talks about the false belief that giving more to yourself means taking away from someone else.
He says that when he’s working out it actually IMPROVES all areas of his life and expands to them.
When he’s training hard and eating right he shows up as a better husband, father, friend and son.
Here’s a video of him sharing this message himself. I just think this message would be appropriate for someone in our fitness family to hear.